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Fixed Income

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Fonmarch F.I.

Least risk
Potentially lower return
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Most risk
Potentially higher return

Category "1" does not mean that the investment is risk-free

We also specialise in active management in fixed income: a strategy that combines macro perspectives and investment opportunities in sovereign issuers and credit. The aim is to maximise returns and control risk.

What is it?

The Fund invests 100% of the total exposure in public and/or private fixed income assets (including deposits and listed and unlisted money market instruments, whether liquid or not). Exposure to currency risk shall not exceed 5% of total exposure.

In addition to financial criteria, extra-financial criteria of sustainable and responsible investment (ESG) are applied.

The issuers of the assets, as well as the markets on which they are listed, will be mainly from the euro zone and in any case OECD.

Why invest?

Active management in fixed income requires a clear understanding of how we want to position ourselves on the curve, choosing the countries, sectors and type of bonds we want to position ourselves in. It also means using short-term market movements to take tactical positions in bonds that have become cheap or sell those that have become more expensive. Deciding which type of issue is more interesting to invest in, whether mortgage bonds, floating rate bonds or senior corporate bonds.

It is designed for customers who wish to take on some interest rate risk by investing in a duration range of 2 to 4 years. Active and opportunistic management of this investment will help maximise returns.


Escenarios de rentabilidad

Periodo 1 (1 año) Periodo 2 (MID) Periodo 3 (RHP)
Mínimo Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Tensión Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Desfavorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Moderado Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Favorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)

Return during the selected period:

Last net asset value: a fecha


1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years



* Data at date:

Key figures

  • Launch date:
  • Management fee:
  • Assets (€):
  • Manager:
  • Identifier code:
  • Liquidity:
  • Article SFDR: 8
  • Manager:
  • Depositary:

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2025 三月