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Lluc Valores SICAV, S.A.

Least risk
Potentially lower return
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Most risk
Potentially higher return

Category "1" does not mean that the investment is risk-free

Lluc is one of our most emblematic investment strategies and that which pursues the most adventurous investment strategy within the Banca March Group’s Institutional SICAVs.

What is it?

With the objective of outperforming the major global equity markets with lower risk or lower volatility, the Fund focuses on investing in equities to create value and protect assets in a risk-controlled environment. Its investment policy is determined by the following criteria:

  • Exposure to equities of around 70% under normal market conditions, although there are no limits on this percentage.
  • Currency risk is eliminated in equity investments, with the exception of one-off situations in which currency acts as natural hedging in response to movements in the market.
  • Dynamic approach in the exposure to equity, depending on the market environment in question.

Why invest?

We take advantage of equity market developments with a long-term approach. We try to manage equity exposure based on our view of the market and the opportunities that arise in the market. So if markets correct aggressively, we try to be opportunistic and take the opportunity to increase equity exposure.

Our long-term objective is to generate returns in line with the markets, but with lower volatility.


Escenarios de rentabilidad

Periodo 1 (1 año) Periodo 2 (MID) Periodo 3 (RHP)
Mínimo Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Tensión Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Desfavorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Moderado Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Favorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)

Return during the selected period:

Last net asset value: a fecha


1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years



* Data at date:

Key figures

  • Launch date:
  • Management fee:
  • Assets (€):
  • Manager:
  • Identifier code:
  • Liquidity:
  • Article SFDR: 8
  • Manager:
  • Depositary:

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2025 三月