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March Universal Brands

Least risk
Potentially lower return
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Most risk
Potentially higher return

Category "1" does not mean that the investment is risk-free

The power of the brand as a key long-term value driver.

What is it?

March Universal Brands is a global thematic fund that seeks to invest in companies whose brands are recognised throughout much of the world, maintaining consistent brand power and image across all markets in which they operate.

In order to achieve this the companies, manage their brand image with the same misión, visión, look and positioning independently of the region where they operate.

Selection is made of the most prominent universally branded companies, dividing the investment universe into three sub-themes: Powerful brands, Tomorrow’s brands, Disruptive brands.

Brands constitute one of the most powerful competitive advantages in modern industry while at the same time being one of the most ignored by the market due to their intangible nature.

Why invest?

History has shown that universal brands:

Outperform global equity indexes:

Are more resilient in times of crisis.

Recover more quickly at times of cycle changes.

Universal brands have the following pillars in common: Leadership, Loyalty, Recognition, Reputation, Perceived quality.


Escenarios de rentabilidad

Periodo 1 (1 año) Periodo 2 (MID) Periodo 3 (RHP)
Mínimo Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Tensión Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Desfavorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Moderado Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)
Favorable Importe (EUR)
Rent. anual media (%)

Return during the selected period:

Last net asset value: a fecha


1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years



* Data at date:

Key figures

  • Launch date:
  • Management fee:
  • Assets (€):
  • Manager:
  • Identifier code:
  • Liquidity:
  • Article SFDR:
  • Manager:
  • Depositary:

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